About NAP
How It Works
Join a growing Community of NAPpers
Work with Brands Across Beauty & Fashion
Get access to Events Yearly
It is as Simple as...
3 steps to get active on NAP

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Share your personal details and social profile.
We'll review and get back to you shortly!
Share via your social channels, organically! Ensure to include unique product links with each post and start your journey
Receive 8% affiliate commission on every purchase and maximize your earnings!
Brands That Love NAP
It's more than an Affiliate Program
Unlock exciting opportunities with NAP today!
Attend Events
Socialise & expand your network
PR Brand Campaigns
Get access to new launches & cult faves
Get Featured
On @MyNykaa and @NykaaFashion and grow your popularity
Visit Nykaa Stores
Sample products & share reccos with your tribe
Host Live Stream
Engage With Nykaa audience
Hear It Straight From The Creators!

Tarini Peshawaria

I have really enjoyed being a part of NAP. When I started creating content and didn’t have any brand collaborations, NAP was one of my early sources of income and now several years later it’s still a key aspect of my business.

ShivShakti Sachdev

As a beauty influencer I love trying out new products and NAP gives me access to all the new Launches and Events. I get offers info in advance which helps me plan my content for my followers and earn from it too. NAP is the best affiliate program, especially for budding creators.

Kiwi Tandon

Joining NAP has been a turning point for me . The consistent earnings transformed my passion for beauty into a reliable source of income. Being a part of the program gave me access to exclusive opportunities. I was granted the privilege of experiencing product launches before they hit the market, collaborate with the best international brands and connect with a global audience that shared my interests.

Ankush Bahuguna

I have been a part of NAP for 1.5 years and my experience has been really smooth, I would anyway recommend products that I use and NAP helped me benefit by monetising those recommendations. The dashboard is really insightful since it shows you which recommendations work and your audience interest.

Chetali Chaddha

I have been a part of NAP since 4 years. It’s a unique program that has supported a lot of budding creators, including me at the start of my journey. It's a great medium to get exposure to some of the best international brands and numerous opportunities for growth. The comprehensive NAP dashboard seamlessly integrates customer insights serving as a valuable platform for entrepreneurs and creators like myself.
Frequently asked questions
What is Nykaa Affiliate Program (aka NAP)?
The Nykaa Affiliate Programme (NAP) is a strong network of 5500+ creators spread across India. Creators with 5K and above followership are eligible to Sign Up on NAP and generate unique Affiliate Links, which can be integrated in your organic content.
NAPpers earn 8% commission on every purchase made through their link. The commission is fixed for all affiliates and across categories.
Sign up now: https://affiliate.nykaa.com/register/
Do I have to pay anything to join NAP?
No. Joining NAP is absolutely free of cost.
Sign up now: https://affiliate.nykaa.com/register/
How can I join NAP?
NAP Sign up steps:
Step 1 - Create your account via https://affiliate.nykaa.com/register/
Step 2 - Fill in your general information, add your social profile links, add official email id and password. You will receive OTP on email for confirmation
Step 3 - Update your payment and tax info and submit your form
Step 4 - Your profile will be verified and once approved you will receive an email confirmation

So sign up today! https://affiliate.nykaa.com/register/
How does the NAP work?
NAP is simple and easy to understand.
If you are a creator with 5k> followers and generate organic content/share a lot of recommendations with your followers NAP is for you.
Once you sign up on NAP all you have to do is create unique affiliate links from your NAP dashboard and add it in your organic content
As a Nykaa Affiliate, you will earn commission every time a user clicks on the affiliate link and makes a purchase on the Nykaa app or website. These links can be added to your social media content, blogs or shared with family and friends on chat. Higher the purchase, the more returns you get!
Sign up now: https://affiliate.nykaa.com/register/
How long does it take for the payment to reflect in my account?
As an affiliate if you have earned commission worth 5k > above payment will be processed monthly
As an affiliate if you have earned commission >5k, payment will be processed bi annually

While signing up on NAP, you will be required to share your vendor registration docs, PAN Card, cancelled cheque and other details in order to ensure a smooth payment process once you start earning your commission

Sign up now: https://affiliate.nykaa.com/register/